This is a link to my personal web site. It is what's called a landing page. It serves a couple of purposes:

1.) If you are a deep-pocketed philanthropist who wants to see major changes in men's fashions, you now know where you can send your money.

2.) Links from MM to my site help my page ranking in Google. - I've tested it. It really works!

3.) When I link this page to my other web sites, justChange.net and JDEZ.com, it puts them on the Google map too.

4.) When you visit justChange.net, you can read lots of articles about how to make positive changes in your life and to make the world a better place. You can then click on ads and make me wealthy, so that I can put up more articles. Or, you can visit JDEZ.com, order clothing, and also make me wealthy too, so that I can make more cool and funky designs.

Now that your here, drop me a note and let me know what you think. (Hopefully I am not breaking any MM rules. It just gives me a logical reason to spend time posting on MM.)

A Random Image

Many of the clothing pieces featured in this portfolio are provided by jdez.com, - an online catalog of unique and comfortable spa wear apparel for men and women. JDEZ.com features mens skirts, kilts and sarongs. Some images appearing in this portfolio are featured in JustChange.net - an eMagazine focused on helping people make positive changes in their lives.