To me, fashion should be different. That's the point isn't it? I mean, you can choose to follow fashion trends (that's what makes them trends), or you decide to make new fashion. Most mass-market fashion today is so homogeneous that it can hardly be called fashion. - It's all become very boring and stagnant. What you will see in my online portfolio is a bunch of not-so-typical looks that I hope will at least inspire the idea that everyone doesn't have to dress like everyone else. The idea of guys wearing skirts for instance is unconventional. - But why? Men's kilts and sarongs were around a long time before pants. I have a passion for creating things that others decree as impossible. Fashion and style should perpetually morph into something new and different from the past. I also believe that fashion and style should embody comfort first. Unique fashion makes a statement of how you live life. Comfortable fashion helps us live life in interesting ways. There is a clear lack of diversity in mass-market fashions today. I want to change that. When you are done viewing my portfolio, relax, open your mind to new ideas, and come check out jdez.com for something really different.

-- Jay Dezelic